Pokedex Alola (pd alola) Command

pb!pd alola

List all the Alolan Pokemon in our database.

pb!pd alola (adex)

Search through our database using the Pokemon's National Pokedex Number, for example, Alolan Raichu's is #33 so to get Alolan Raichu's info-card you can do pb!pd alola 33 A list of Pokemon by Adex.

pb!pd alola (name)

Search through the Alolan database just by searching it's name! If you can only remember part of it, we'll list some options for you. pb!pd alolan raichu brings up Alolan Raichu's info-card and pb!pd alola egg returns Exeggutor since that Pokemon will be the only Alolan Pokemon returned in the list.

Last updated